Salary and Wage Surveys - Dry, Offshore and Wet sector seafarer benchmarking

Our services at a glance:

  • Dry, Offshore and Wet Sector seafarer benchmarking surveys
  • Covering Chemical, LNG, LPG, Oil, VLCC, Container, Bulk, Supply and Support, Construction, Cable Lay, PSV vessels etc.
  • Bespoke seafarer wage and terms and conditions surveys
  • Bespoke maritime shore staff salary and terms and conditions surveys
  • Industry information for management decision making processes
  • Secretarial Services


The rapidly changing nature of the maritime industry generates demands for different types of surveys and reports to enable marine managers to plan and maximise the use of their resources.

We have developed an extensive library of marine personnel related information and are often able to provide information based on that resource alone. Other requirements need a bespoke solution to identify, gather and present specific information needed for that client’s requirements. 

PAL also provides a Secretariat service for a number of specialist maritime groups. This includes preparation and facilitation of meetings and management of surveys and information exchange.

Our range of management information includes:

  • Benchmark surveys and studies for manning and operating costs – for all types of merchant navy vessels worldwide
  • Marine manpower survey and marine salary survey for shipping - all vessel types covered including tanker sector, dry cargo ships, offshore supply and support vessels, FPSO etc.
  • Reports on seafarer wage scales within the international shipping industry
  • Providing historical and trend data on sources, availability and cost of seagoing and shore based marine personnel
  • Specialist reviews and reports on all manning and training related themes
  • Reports and articles for a variety of specialist maritime publications
  • Contributing authors of the annual Drewry Manning Report
  • Contributing to the BIMCO / ISF five yearly industry survey
  • Permanent Secretarial role for a range of shipping groups

About Marine Salary / Wage Surveys

Shipping companies need to understand how employment practices are changing in the maritime industry to make sure they are maintaining their position and are able to attract the quality and quantity of shore based and seagoing crew they need.

The value to Companies in participating in PAL marine salary surveys covers a number of aspects.  It enables Companies to assess their position, both nationally and internationally, on how their employment policies and marine wage scales compare to other shipping operators and to determine if they are at their preferred level within the market. The information helps them to be as knowledgeable, as many seafarers are, in relation to seafarer wage rates and conditions on offer. It also allows them to determine, over a period of time, possible trends. The information also enables like for like comparisons to be made with other shipping operators i.e. the monthly berth cost of wages, vacation and leave.

Information can be supplied as part of an existing study or can be bespoke for individual shipping companies. We cover marine personnel related informaiton by way of focused seafarer benchmarking on all of the major industry sectors i.e. Dry, Offshore and Wet vessel types.

What does a Precious Alliance Survey provide?

Each marine salary survey is unique and is designed with the client to ensure that the reports provide the data they are interested in, presented in a format that is easy to understand and use. Examples of unique surveys include:
  • Wages for sea and shore based marine personnel
  • Wage comparisons by nationality – example countries include UK / India / Philippines / Poland / Croatia / Russia / Latvia / Ukraine / Romania / Spain
  • Comparisons of seafarer Terms and Conditions
  • How companies attract and retain marine personnel with key skills
  • Salary surveys for specialist areas e.g. Tanker vessels, Container Ships, Dry Cargo vessels, Offshore Support etc.

Wage Settlements

2025 seafarer pay (wages / salary, day rate etc.) and terms and conditions details covering a range of sectors including tankers, container, dry bulk, offshore (construction, dive support, cable lay, psv, supply support) etc.


Seafarer Wage Data

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