Details or our current and planned surveys

2025 / 26 Survey Diary


Precious Alliance (PAL) runs surveys throughout the year to provide shipping companies with valuable information to help with decision making and planning. If you would like to take part in any of our surveys listed below, or to discuss any bespoke survey requirements please contact us.


Dry Sector


The annual survey covering the Dry Sector in 2025 will start early in the new year. The report will cover a wide range of seafarer nationalities with wage data and terms and conditions separated by rank, nationality and vessel type.


Shore Staff


We provide an annual shipping company shore staff survey with a particular focus on the UK market. A range of 51 jobs are surveyed including Trade Managers, Sales Reps, Import / Export specialists, Ship Agents, Logistics and other traditional office roles. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in this.


Wet Sector


The annual 2024 Wet Sector Survey concluded just after mid-year. This is now our most popular sharing survey with over 20,000 Officers from a full range of seafarer supply countries represented. The 2025 report will start in April. Seafarer wage and benefits benchmark data will be available per nationality and per vessel type across Oil

 / Product, Chemical, LNG, LPG and VLCCs.


Offshore Sector


The 2025 Offshore Sector Survey will take place in the first quarter of the year. Multiple vessel types and seafarer nationalities were covered. Both DP and non-DP equipped vessels were included with separate benchmarks for types such as Construction, Dive Support, Cable-Lay, AHTS, Supply etc.



Available all year round:


International ad-hoc industry wage reports to clients requirements covering any combination of the above, as well as bespoke surveys for any requirements outside of these categories.


Wage Settlements

2025 seafarer pay (wages / salary, day rate etc.) and terms and conditions details covering a range of sectors including tankers, container, dry bulk, offshore (construction, dive support, cable lay, psv, supply support) etc.


Seafarer Wage Data

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